Wednesday 9 February 2011

Still Life Studies...

The first two images are Life Studies drawn in soft pencil, the aim was to try and use a good range of dark and light lines and second drawing has hints of colour drawn in chalk. The third image here is another Life Study but this time instead of pencil it was drawn by bending thin wire.

Still Life Study II...

The image at the top is a series of pen drawings inspired by the work of Egon Schiele, I aimed to focus on flowing lines and the detail and definition of contours. Below that is another life study I created, but this time I closed in on a particular section of the nude and painted with acrylic focusing on light and dark tones.

Tuesday 8 February 2011

Left Handed, Perspective and Line Drawings...

The drawings at the top are both collections of left handed attempts at drawing a leather shoe in different positions. Below this to the left is a series of deck chairs drawn at different heights focusing on negative space. And finally using perspective techniques a drawing of an interesting detailed building on the Newark waterfront. 

Monday 7 February 2011

Development ideas and Progression for Combined Artist project...

The images at the bottom are my first development drawings and ideas when combining the techniques and ideas of artists Ralph Steadman and AJ Fosik. In particular I wanted to try out the technique of splatting ink randomly across a page and then creating images out of the pictures you could see within the splatts. At the top are my 3D sculptural developments showing how I started off and how I gradually progressed to my final out come.

Combined Artist Sculpture...

My inspiration for this piece came from combining the techniques of AJ Fosik and some of the ideas of Ralph Steadman, in particular his use of colour. I built this sculpture out of very thin wood I obtained from a guitar workshop. I cut and created shapes from the wood painting parts to achieve the correct colours I was originally inspired by.

Sunday 6 February 2011

Clay Sculptures...

Here is a selection of Clay sculptures, three are based on sculptures made in a previous project and the fourth on my lino print. When the sculptures were finished they were then fired and glazed, I chose different glazes for each to achieve the effects I wanted. I was particularly pleased with the piece on the bottom left as I wanted it to look like stone after glazing and I feel i achieved that.

Saturday 5 February 2011

Fast Colour Research/Silk and Lino Prints...

The images on the left are colour studies, the top piece is created using a finger painting technique combining my colour research. On the right is a Silk Print and below that a Lino Print. I produced both pieces based on themes that I used in some previous sculpture work.

Etchings in Film...

This series of images were inspired by a trip to the British Museum, the images depicted are all of ancient figures and artifacts I saw within the Museum. I wanted to try illustrating in a different way and so began etching onto a piece of undeveloped film. The strip is placed against light so that maximum detail can be seen of the lines etched.

Photography and Mark Making Research...

The top two images are taken out of one of my sketchbooks showing photography research and development tests, alongside films I hand processed. Below that are two pages of mark making research which shows experimentation with different media and ways of creating unique effects.

Thursday 3 February 2011

Ink Drawing: The Losers by Edward Kay...

Whilst visiting the Saatchi gallery in London I came across a painting by Edward Kay called 'The Losers' and was inspired to create a pen and ink version of the image itself. I have decided to include this piece in my portfolio because I believe it shows a good use of line to create tone and contrast between black and white.